Fynloski dropper and .NET PWS (pass stealer) Analysis

Again the malware sample came to me via spam camp, and caught in corporate network’s honeypot.

If you want sample: Comment and request it ๐Ÿ˜‰

This time, the camp’s spread was not so wide.
In this post in detail:

  • Recognition of the Fynloski dropper
  • ..recognizing the type of protection of the dropper
  • ..some details on the dropper’s encryption scheme
  • Dumping the main malware process using OllyDbg (PWS in .NET)
  • ..analysing the stealer.. Decompilation via ILSpy
  • ..analysis of the operator’s credential encryption scheme with OllyDbg
  • ..pwning the operator’s credentials revealing victim’s logs and not only..

..Let’s go.. ๐Ÿ™‚

Fynloski Dropper

Everything begins with an .exe file with Adobe’s Acrobat icon. This PE is an obfuscated/encrypted .NET Application:

Fynloski .NET dropper

Fynloski .NET dropper










Here is an indicator that there is something encrypted inside this PE in the resource section (probably another PE) of size 414kb tip: no it’s not simple XOR even if it looks like it in first sight ๐Ÿ˜€

Fynloski carries encrypted stuff..

Fynloski carries encrypted stuff..












Let’s take a look in Fynloski’s strings and VT detection rate:


Fynloski Strings. Notice the Path! :D

Fynloski Strings. Notice the Path! ๐Ÿ˜€














There’s a Pathย E:NEW_NETNonRecNonRecbinReleaseCryptoObfuscator_OutputTakeIt.pdb screaming out am a CryptoObfuscator dropper for .NET”

And this is VT at the moment:

Fynloski in VT












Trying to decompile it with ILSpy, it’s obvious that the dropper is obfuscated..

Fynloski obfuscated in ILSpy

Fynloski obfuscated in ILSpy






















..so let’s go a bit deeper.. using olly there are a lot of IsDebuggerPresent calls but it doesn’t have effect on debugger detection. What produces a crash, is an exception of E06D7363 if we don’t press Shift-F9 in order to pass the exception to the app instead of olly..

This is the crash


Fynloski crashes when opened with OllyDbg









When Shift-F9 is pressed, everything is ok continuing execution, and in no time, we recognize that it loads another PE in the same process name. It’s the RunPE method once again, and we can see it also by comparing strings on memory and on disk via Process Explorer

Fynloski mem/disk strings compare

Fynloski mem/disk strings compare









Obviously it’s a decryption/decompression of the big resource inside the file, that contained finally the malicious PE.

..For those who wanna do the extra mile..: ๐Ÿ˜€ After long long time tracing in OllyDbg with hatefull .NET code, and dozens of memory breakpoints, I found out that the exact point of decryption, happens in the following code inside the native .NET module (System_ni). Here this code decrypts the new PE byte-by-byte (after tha call on 7A516B2A, AL has bytes of the new PE):

CPU Disasm
Address   Hex dump          Command                                           Comments
7A516B22    8B4E 0C         MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+0C]
7A516B25    8B56 08         MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+8]
7A516B28    3909            CMP DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],ECX
7A516B2A    E8 E1F8FFFF     CALL 7A516410                    ; decrypt next char in AL?
7A516B2F    8BD0            MOV EDX,EAX
7A516B31    85D2            TEST EDX,EDX
7A516B33    7D 07           JGE SHORT 7A516B3C
7A516B35    33C0            XOR EAX,EAX
7A516B37    E9 CF010000     JMP 7A516D0B
7A516B3C    81FA 00010000   CMP EDX,100
7A516B42    7D 18           JGE SHORT 7A516B5C
7A516B44    8B4E 04         MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+4]
7A516B47    81E2 FF000000   AND EDX,000000FF
7A516B4D    3909            CMP DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],ECX
7A516B4F    E8 CC0A0000     CALL 7A517620                    ; memcpy one-by-one the decrypted chars
7A516B54    83C3 FF         ADD EBX,-1
7A516B57    E9 9E010000     JMP 7A516CFA
7A516B5C    81FA 00010000   CMP EDX,100
7A516B62    75 17           JNE SHORT 7A516B7B
7A516B64    8B0424          MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
7A516B67    C600 01         MOV BYTE PTR DS:[EAX],1


Dumping the main malware process using OllyDbg

Well, now we are hunting the final PE which is being injected (RunPE) by the Dropper process (Fynloski). Knowing that the injection method is RunPE, gives a big advantage, cos automatically we know how to dump the process. How the RunPE is Writing the contents on the remote proc? With WriteProcessMemory ofcourse. Most times in loop for every section, and some times the dropper has the new proc already dumped, and loaded with WriteProcessMemory one time. In this case, it’s the 1st one.. One call to WriteProcessMemory for each section.

Placing a breakpoint to WriteProcessMemory and dumping PE Header and sections to a PE

Dumping Stealer's PE Header using OllyDbg

Dumping Stealer’s PE Header using OllyDbg











..saving to a file with HxD

Paste bin data from olly to HxD making the new PE

Paste bin data from olly to HxD making the new PE















..and dumping section-by-section in the same way, we get a final PE. This PE is the final malware, which is a Password stealer written in .NET, not obfuscated and easily decompilable ๐Ÿ˜›

  File: Stealer.exe
CRC-32: f5cfb32f
   MD4: ba0fdeef1ac24358399b37021565f794
   MD5: edda46353eacad327a5bd500e835e772
 SHA-1: 8733c65d079361bdf868edb4ccb29aabd6f793a9


These are the results of VT for the stealer PE

Stealer's VT results

Stealer’s VT results










Also an interesting string-Path in the PE isย C:UsersJovanDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsStealerCMemoryExecuteCMemoryExecuteobjReleaseCMemoryExecute.pdb
That “Jovan” guy seems to sell this thing ๐Ÿ˜€ this string/path exists in some other analysed malwares around..

ILSpy fully decompiled the .NET Stealer PE











StealMail functionality of the PWS:

MailStealer function and a little tip for the author :D

MailStealer function and a little tip for the author ๐Ÿ˜€










The spread function.. Spreads itself to the current host..

Malware Spreads itself on the infected machine using autoruns on every drive

Malware Spreads itself on the infected machine using autoruns on every drive










Startup persistence.. Registry and file..

Startup persistence.. Registry and file..





Pwning the used email credentials

Exploring the decompiled code, we can see that there are plenty of functions with lot of work for the malware ๐Ÿ™‚ There is function for spreading to different locations of the same machine, for startup persistence, for mail credentials stealing (nirsoft tool injection), for browser saved pass stealing (nirsoft injection again), for keyboard hooking, for clipboard stealer, minecraft credentials stealer, process killer etc..
And also several ways for reporting all those data back to the operator. There is mail sender (smtp/smtps), ftp uploaderย andย php reporter.
This sample, uses the mail sender way, using smtps. The credentials for the three ways, are encrypted and cannot be seen from the decompiled code.
You can unstrip the smtps traffic and see the creds.. But I selected the OllyDbg way ๐Ÿ˜›

Here you can see the encrypted mail credentials:

Credentials of format: base64(aes256($credentials))

Credentials of format: base64(aes256($credentials))











..how you realize that it’s AES encrypted those base64 strings? here ofcourse… :

Decryption function.. Base64 encoding of AES256 encrypted strings. Key can be seen from the caller

Decryption function.. Base64 encoding of AES256 encrypted strings. Key can be seen from the caller










After messing around in Olly, I found out the de-base64 .NET function… :


.NET de-base64 function in unicode format

.NET de-base64 function in unicode format











The decryption routine… producing plaintext in unicode string format

Part of the mail decryption

Part of the mail decryption










Part of the mail password (SMTPS login):

Part of the SMTPS password decrypted..

Part of the SMTPS password decrypted..










Continuing, I logged in the email and it was an afghan’s email..

Afghan's mail 1st screen

Afghan’s mail 1st screen














Used a pakistan proxy to see the inbox… But where are the inbox logs?? ๐Ÿ˜€

Afghan's Inbox via Pakistan proxy..

Afghan’s Inbox via Pakistan proxy..









That’s why you don’t see logs in inbox.. there is a forwarding rule:

Mail forwarding settings.. This is the real mail of the operator

Mail forwarding settings.. This is the real mail of the operator











You can see in trash some messages ๐Ÿ˜›

Some messages can be seen in Trash :P

Some messages can be seen in Trash ๐Ÿ˜›













After this journey we arrived in the last Stealer PE which is made in .NET and contains lot of stuff as seen above.. The malware contacts it’s operator via 3 different ways, one of those were SMTP mails send of the logs/data collected.. As the malware uses client side encryption, it doesn’t matter the layers and complication of encryption, we can get the plaintext credentials in a matter of time..

This was another example of malware that was made by guys that bought ready-to-deploy tools (crypter-obfuscator, keylogger) and started a spam campaign.


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10 Responses to Fynloski dropper and .NET PWS (pass stealer) Analysis

  1. Valentin says:

    I really enjoy to reaad your post it was good one, if it is possible can I have sample.

  2. malosasha says:

    Awesome post; would like to try it on my own too; can you send me a sample please


  3. AcidWitch says:

    great stuff going on here sample please?

    take care

  4. master131 says:

    Great stuff, love the detailed analysis. Was wondering if I could also get a sample to test with my malware heuristics scanner. Also, if you happen to know good places to find stuff like this (RunPE and crypter samples), please let me know.

  5. taogoldi says:

    Hello excellent post. I would love to receive the sample please ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for helping out the reversing community

  6. jakuzay says:

    very attractive of POC, did you mind to share, by the way did you have a youtube channel ??

    thanks !!!

  7. Freezer says:

    Hi PoURaN.
    Can i Have the sample, please ?

  8. John says:

    Thanks for the post. I really enjoyed the analysis. Could you send me a sample as well?

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